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edward scissorhands中文是什么意思

用"edward scissorhands"造句"edward scissorhands"怎么读"edward scissorhands" in a sentence


  • 爱德华剪刀手
  • 幻海奇缘,又名:剪刀手爱德华
  • 剪刀手艾德华
  • 剪刀手爱德华/幻海奇缘
  • 梦幻剪刀手


  • He is also well known for his roles in such classics as edward scissorhands and fear and loathing in las vegas
  • Since then he has changed his career to more serious acting and has been nominated for three gloden globe awards for his work in " edward scissorhands " , " benny and joon " and " ed wood "
    自那以后他开始演更严肃的角色,改变了他的演艺生涯,并因作品《剪刀手爱德华》 、 《帅哥娇娃》和《埃德?伍德》获得了三次金球奖提名。
  • " puberty was very vague . i literally locked myself in a room and played guitar , " he related to cosmopolitan . he fell so much under the spell of edward scissorhands 1990 co - star winona ryder that they were engaged from 1990 to 1993
用"edward scissorhands"造句  


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